Monday, 26 August 2019



Principle 1: Encourage contact between students and faculty.
Building rapport with students is very important. The contact between  teachers and pupils  are vital for  students' success.
For the regular classroom:
        i.            Invite students to visit outside of class if required.
      ii.            Know  students by name.
    iii.            Help students with problems in their extra  curricular activities.
   iv.            Personalize feedback on student assignments.
     v.            Attend student events.
   vi.            Advise students regarding academic courses and career opportunities.
 vii.            Find out the  students  having a problem with the course or are frequently absent.
viii.            Encourage the pupils to present their views and participate in classroom discussions.
    ix.            Have regular office hours.
      x.            Help students to work with other faculty. Let them know of options, research, etc. of other faculty.
    xi.            Share personal experiences and values.
  xii.            Use of  one-minute paper at the end of class to get feedback on what the student is learning and how well they are learning it.
xiii.            Interact with the students on a personal level and learn about their educational and career goals.
For distance and online courses:
        i.            Try computer conferencing.
      ii.            Use list serves.
    iii.            Clearly communicate your email response policy.
   iv.            Encourage e-mail correspondence and use of discussion forum, It is  beneficial for those who are shy or are from different cultures because it allows them a different avenue of communication that might be more comfortable.
     v.            Use pictures of faculty/students.
   vi.            Visit the distance sites, if possible.
 vii.            Have an on-site support person.
viii.            Maintain eye contact with camera and local students.
    ix.            Arrange for group work at a distance site.
Principle 2: Develop reciprocity and cooperation among students.
More learning takes place when students are encouraged to work as a team, Characteristics of a good learning are collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated. Working together improves thinking and understanding.
For the regular classroom:
        i.            Use cooperative learning groups
      ii.            Have  activities that encourage pupils to get to know one another.
    iii.            Encourage pupils to join at least one organization on campus.
   iv.            Assign group projects and presentations
     v.            Utilize peer tutoring.
   vi.            Encourage pipils to participate in groups when preparing for exams and working on assignments.
 vii.            Distribute performance criteria to students in  such  a  way  that each person's grade is independent of those achieved by others.
viii.            Encourage pupils from different races and cultures to share their viewpoints  on the  topics shared in class.
For distance and online courses:
        i.            Use of chat sites and discussion forums for pupil-to-pupil communication.
      ii.            Set up teams to interact through e-mail or phone  with enough people at each site.
    iii.            Encourage the  pupils  to respond to each other's work by posting it on the internet.
   iv.            Have a question and answer time online.
     v.            Use teleconferencing for idea sharing.
   vi.            Encourage online discussion groups that require interaction.
 vii.            Work on group projects through phone and e-mail.
viii.            Team-teach courses.
    ix.            Include the  "ice-breaker" activity to allow students to share their interest and to learn about others.
Principle 3: Encourage  active  learning.
For the regular classroom:
        i.            Ask the students to relate what they are learning to something in real life.
      ii.            Use journaling.
    iii.            Give students concrete, real-life situations to analyze.
   iv.            Encourage the  pupils to suggest new reading, projects, or course activities.
     v.            Ask the  pupils  to present their work to the class.
   vi.            Use of simulation software to run "what-if" scenarios allows students to manipulate variables and circumstances.
 vii.            Encourage Practice of role modeling and use of web-based case studies to practice new thinking skills.
viii.            Encourage students to challenge your ideas, and  the ideas of other pupils, or those ideas presented in readings or other course materials in a respectful  matter.
    ix.            Seti up the problem solving activities in small groups and have each group  to discuss their solutions with the class.
For distance and online courses:
        i.            Allow flexibility in choosing study material so that it is more meaningful to the learner (e.g. students choose their own topic, project format, etc.).
      ii.            Have an interactive web page.
    iii.            Debate on-line.
   iv.            Present students work for other students to review.
     v.            Talk about what students are learning by creating a learning group through e-mail, telephone,forum, chat room, or conferencing.
   vi.            Use e-mail for group problem solving.
Principle 4: Give  prompt  feedback.
For the regular classroom:
        i.            Follow-up presentations with a 4-5 minute period for students to write down what they have learned in class.
      ii.            Provide informative comments/feedback  that show the students' errors and give suggestions on how they can improve.

   iv.            Discussing the results of class assignments and examinations with the class and individual students.
     v.            Vary assessment techniques (tests, papers, journaling, quizzes).
   vi.            Provision of instantaneous feedback through  on-line testing, software simulations, and web-based programs .
 vii.            Have question and answer sessions.
viii.            Use audio and/or video recordings to assess performances.
    ix.            Provide  grades for assignments, projects, and tests within one week.
For distance and online courses:
        i.            Gives instant feedback through E-mail  instead of waiting for the next lesson.
      ii.            For instantaneous feedback  Use on-line testing, software simulations, and web-based programs .
    iii.            Monitor bulletin boards regularly to give specific information and feedback to students.
   iv.            Use pre-class and post-class assessments.
     v.            Schedule a chat group where pupils , and  the instructor are present  and use  it as a question and answer session when needed.
   vi.            Provision of Sending  acknowledgment via  e-mails when on receiving a students work.
 vii.            Post answer keys after receiving assignment from all the students.
viii.            Provide use of hyperlinks within the  text to provide feedback to questions raised within the text.
Principle 5: Emphasize time on task.
For the regular classroom:
        i.            Expect students to complete their assignments promptly.
      ii.            Clearly communicate to students in preparing for class and working on assignments.
    iii.            Help pupils to  set challenging goals for their own learning.
   iv.            Should  have realistic expectations (don't expect 10 papers in 10 weeks).
     v.            Explain to your students the consequences of non-attendance.
   vi.            Do not use technology for technology's sake.But it must be relevant and useful  for  the topic.
 vii.            Have progressive deadlines for projects and assignments.
viii.            Teach time management.

For distance and online courses:

        i.            Understand the   problems with the distance and technology along the way.
      ii.            Identify the  key concepts and how those concepts  will be taught. Given the amount of time to  decide what realistically can be covered.
    iii.            Vary the types of interaction  in creating an interactive environment, it can be overwhelming to the pupils and teacher if the types of interaction required are too time consuming.
   iv.            Consider both in and out of class time.
     v.            Make sure that you know what is your goals are and that the learners understand them as well.
   vi.            Have regular discussions that require participation.
Principle 6: Communicate  high  expectations.
For the regular classroom:
        i.            Provide a detailed syllabus with assignments, due dates, and a grading system.
      ii.            Encourage the  pupils to excel at the work they do.
    iii.            Give students positive reinforcement for doing outstanding work.
   iv.            Encourage students to work hard in class.
     v.            Tell thepipils that everyone works at different levels and they should strive to put forth their best effort, regardless of what level it is.
   vi.            Publicly acknowledge excellent student performance.
 vii.            Revise courses when needed so students remain challenged.
viii.            Encourage pipils to do their best instead of focusing on grades.
For distance and online courses:
        i.            Give a detailed syllabus with assignments, due dates, and a grading  system.
      ii.            Show examples of  expectations with previous pipils   work.
    iii.            Publish student work.
   iv.            Provide corrective feedback. State what you did and did not like.
     v.            Be a role model to students.
   vi.            Expect students to participate.
 vii.            To create interest   try to make assignments interesting and relevant.
viii.            Suggest extra resources that support key points.
Principle 7: Respect  diverse  talents  and  the ways  of  learning.
For the regular classroom:
        i.            Use Web technologies to allow the  pupils to pick and choose learning experiences that fits them.
      ii.            Encourage the  pupils to speak up when they do not understand.
    iii.            Use diverse teaching   techniques  and  activities  to address a  broad range of students.
   iv.            Select  and design activities related to the background of students.
     v.            Provide extra materials or activities to  pupils who lack essential background knowledge or skills.
   vi.            Integrate new knowledge about women, minorities, sc, st ,  and other under-represented populations into the  courses.
 vii.            Use learning contracts and other activities to provide students with learning alternatives .
viii.            Use of  collaborative teaching  learning techniques and pair students so that they compliment each other's abilities.
    ix.            Give pupils a problem to solve that has multiple solutions  and  guide them with clues and examples.
      x.            Consider field trips.
For distance and online courses:
        i.            Encourage pupils to express diverse points of view in discussions.
      ii.            Creation of learning activities filled with real-life examples and diverse perspectives.

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