Monday, 26 August 2019


  1.         To Nurture Well Rounded Development: The prime objective of teaching is the all round development of the learner that includes his physical, mental and spiritual or moral development. This one of the objectives  of Gandhi’s idea of basic education
  2.          To bring desired changes in pupils (Behavior change): The education should be imparted to a learner in such a way that it reflects the attitude, behavior and personality of the learner.
  3.         Development of Adjustment The teaching should makes the pupils feel at home in his class room. The teacher has to ensure that the learner is well adjusted to the environment which includes his classmates and other members of his society at large.
  4.         Learner’s Mental Ability At the time of  teaching  teacher should take into account the mental ability of the pupils .This will enable the teacher to make himself more communicative with his pupils  and in turn the students will have a better understanding of what is being taught to them.
  5.         Transmission of Knowledge knowledge is transmitted from the teacher to the pupil.
  6.      Assimilation of Lessons.
  7.      To Build a Solid Foundation
  8.    To Explain Relevance of the Subject
  9.   To shape behavior and conduct Acquisition of knowledge
  10.      To Development of understanding and general intellectual abilities
  11.      To Development of conceptual and subject specific skills
  12.      To Improve the learning skills of students
  13.  To  Development of generic or transferrable skills
  14.     To Development of values, of motivation or of attitudes
  15.      Formation of belief
  16.   To provide a socially  efficient member to the society.

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