Meaning . (Introduction)/and . Main . contributor:
· The . revolutionary . ideas . propounded . by . German . philosopher . Karl . Marx . (1818-1883) . and . Friend . rich . Engels . (1820-1895) . are . technically . known . as . Marxism . (Communism). .
· This . philosophy . was . later . modified . by . Lenin . (1870-2924) . and . was . given . the . name . ‘Socialism’.
· Inspite . of . some . differences . between . communism . (a . classless . society) . and . Socialism . (a . society . of . equal . distribution . of . means . of . production) . their . fundamentals . are . same.
· In . the . ‘comunist . Manifesto”, . published . by . Marx . and . Engels . in . 1848, . it . was . stated, . “History . is . a . practical . struggle . between . the . exploiting . class . and . the . exploited . class” . (Prolitariate-working . class, . Bourgeois- . master . class)
· Another . prominent . feature . of . Marxism . is . – . religion . has . no . role . to . play . in . the . affairs . of . humans. . In . fact . Marxism . believes . religion . or . church . as . another . means . of . exploitation . in . the . hands . of . aristocrats . and . priests. . There . is . no . existence . or . God, . heaven . or . hell.
Main . characteristics . of . Marxism . : . Karl . Marx’s . conflict . theory . is . plain . and . simple. . Class . struggle . constitutes . the . central . theme . of . Marx’s . theoretical . scheme, . which . is . based . on . three . premises . related . to . his . theory . of . class . struggle. . These . are . –
i. The . history . of . the . hitherto . existing . society . is . the . history . of . class . struggles.
ii. The . social . learning . of . man . determines . his . consciousness.
iii. The . class, . which . is . dominant . material . force . in . society, . is . dominant . in . intellectual . sphere.
Educational . implications . of . Marxism:
Meaning . of . education: . Through . education, . economic . and . military . development . of . a . country . takes . place . and . a . classes . society . is . created . because . of . this . in . erstwhile . USSR . education . was . given . almost . importance. . It . was . highly . centralized, . strategically . organized . and . controlled . by . the . trusted . leaders . of . the . communist . party . of . the . USSR. . The . centralization . brought . about . uniformity . in . the . standard . of . education.
Aims . of . Education:
i. Mass . Education: . State . should . take . the . entire . responsibility . of . imparting . education . to . each . and . every . individual . of . the . country.
ii. Physical . and . Mental . Development . of . the . individual . on . collective . basis . is . the . goal . of . education . as . strong . citizens . will . make . strong . state. .
iii. Preparing . state . serving . Citizen . : . Education . will . make . the . individuals . fully . obedient . and . law . abiding . with . sense . of . sacrifice . and . patriotism.
iv. National . reconstruction . and . progress . is . another . aim . to . be . fulfilled . through . science . and . vocational . education.
v. Creating . feeling . of . dignity . of . manual . labour . through . vocational . and . trade . education . from . the . primary . stage.
vi. Social . training: . Education . should . train . the . children . to . adjust . in . every . society . as . they . are . to . propagate . communism . all . over . the . world.
vii. Bringing . about . equality . and . justice . in . the . society. . A . classless . society . is . not . possible . without . equality . and . justice. . So . education . should . be . the . medium . for . this. .
viii. Bringing . full . employment . situation: . scientific, . vocational . and . professional . educations . are . emphasizes . for . pre-ordinary . employment . to . each . and . every . citizen.
ix. Giving . priority . to . less . privileged . class: . if . these . particulars . classes . of . a . society . are . educated . and . employed . the . general . standard . of . living . of . the . country . will . automatically . raised.
x. Developing . progressive . and . rational . thinking: . Traditions, . customs, . taboos . take . the . country . on . the . backward . track. . So . education . must . aim . to . enlighten . the . people . to . think . rationality.
Curriculum . and . stages . of . learning:
i. Religious . Education: . Religion . as . stated . earlier . is . given . no . place . in . education; . instead . study . of . history . is . emphasized . for . inculcation . of . patriotism . and . love . for . nation. . Science . and . technology . for . making . people . progressive . and . rational.
ii. Language . education . : . Study . of . languages . is . important . as . it . binds . the . entire . nation . into . one . fold. . Three . language . formula . is . adopted . for . all . the . students . here.
(a) A . national . language . i.e. . Rusian . in . USSR . and . Chinese . in . China.
(b) A . regional . language
(c) A . European . language
Stages . of . education:
1. Primary . Education . : . Marxism . believes . in . universal . education . so . primary . and . pre-primary . education . are . given . most . importance. . Eight . years . free . and . compulsory . primary . education . upto . the . age . of . 15 . years . is . given . to . children . by . trained . and . competent . teacher, . vocational . and . technical . education . also . starts . from . this . stage.
2. Secondary . Education: . Secondary . education . is . provided . for . three . years . only . to . fit . and . competent . adolex . special . provisions . for . vocational . and . technical . education . with . specialized . training . in . agriculture, . industries, . management, . health . services . and . technology . is . also . given . in . specialized . institutions. . Those . who . cannot . make . it . for . secondary . education . may . go . through . correspondence . courses . for . further . studies.
3. Higher . Education: . Again . few . elected . students . go . for . university . education. . After . secondary . education . all . adults . have . to . take . some . vocations . and . jobs. . Those . who . desire . to . take . further . education . can . go . for . evening . classes . and . corresponding . courses. . After . that . a . few . of . them . are . permitted . to . take . admission . in . three . year . education . of . university. . Approval . of . communist . party . is . also . necessary . for . admission . in . university. .
Method . of . Teaching:
i. Lecture . and . text . book . method
ii. Tutorial . method . and . Seminars
iii. Project . and . problem . solving . method
Discipline: . Discipline . is . authoritarian . in . nature . here. . Interest . of . the . nation . is . always . kept . at . top . and . students . are . given . very . limited . freedom. . The . status . of . teacher . is . also . not . very . high, . he . is . a . worker . of . the . state . and . directly . accountable . to . the . communist . party.
Criticism . of . Marxism:
i. The . very . idea . of . socialism . is . almost . banished . – . earlier . from . Russia . and . East . Europe . and . after . 2002, . when . Chine . accepted . membership . of . WTO, . from . Asia . too.
ii. This . theory . considers . material . achievement . real . and . neglects . spiritual . aspects . of . life, . thus . bring . man . to . the . level . of . beast.
iii. Individuality . of . man . is . totally . discarded.
iv. Even . communist . country . in . the . world . do . not . have . societies . without . private . property, . so . the . idea . is . impractical. .
v. Today . hi-tech . machines . are . used . in . the . process . of . production, . without . capital . (as . this . theory . states) . it . is . not . flexible.
Method . of . Teaching:
. Teaching . while . walking . : . if . children . sit . idle . in . the . class . their . minds . will . also . be . passive . and . dull, . if . they . are . slowly . walking, . mind . will . be . alert. . It . sometimes . is . taught . to . them . while . walking . they . will . easily . group . that.
. The . term . teaching . method . refers . to . the . general . principles, . pedagogy . and . management . strategies . used . for . classroom . instruction. . Your . choice . of . teaching . method . depends . on . what . fits . you- . your . educational . philosophy, . classroom . demographic, . subject . area . (s) . and . school . mission . statement. . Teaching . theories . primarily . fall . into . two . categories . or . “approaches” . – . teacher-centered . and . student-centered:
Teacher-centered . approach . to . Learning
. Teacher . are . the . main . authority . figure . in . this . model. . Students . are . viewed . as . “empty . vessels” . whose . primary . role . is . to . passively . receive . information . (via . lecture . and . direct . instruction . ) . with . an . end . goal . of . testing . and . assessment. . It . is . the . primary . role . of . teacher . to . pass . knowledge . and . information . onto . learning . is . measured . through . objectively . scored . tests . and . assessments. .
Student-Centered . Approach . to . Learning
. While . teachers . are . authority . figure . in . this . mode, . teachers . and . students . play . equally . active . role . in . the . learning . process. . The . teacher’s . primary . role . is . to . coach . and . facilitate . student . learning . and . overall . comprehension . of . material. . Student . learning . is . measured . through . both . formal . and . informal . forms . of . assessment, . including . group . projects, . students . portfolios, . and . class . participation. . Teaching . and . assessment . are . connected; . student . learning . is . continuously . measured . during . teacher . instruction
Direct . Instruction
Direct . instruction . is . the . general . term . that . refers . to . the . traditional . teaching . strategy . that . relies . on . explicit . teaching . through . lecture . and . teacher-led . demonstrations. . Direct . instruction . is . the . primary . teaching . strategy . under . the . teacher-centered . approach . in . that . teachers . and . professors . are . the . sole . supplier . of . knowledge . and . information. . Direct . instruction . is . effective . in . teaching . basic . and . fundamental . skills . across . all . content . areas.
Inquiry . Based . Learning
. Inquiry-based . learning . is . a . teaching . method . that . focuses . on . student . investigation . and . hands-on . learning. . In . this . method, . the . teacher’s . primary . role . is . that . of . a . facilitator, . providing . guidance . and . support . for . student . through . the . learning . process. . Inquiry-based . learning . falls . under . the . student-centred . approach, . in . that . students . play . an . active . and . participatory . role . in . their . own . learning . process.
Cooperative . Learning
. Cooperative . Learning . refers . to . a . method . of . teaching . and . class . room . management . that . emphasizes . group . work . and . strong . sense . of . community. . This . model . fosters . students’ . academic . and . social . growth . and . includes . teaching . techniques . such . as . “Thing-Pair-Share” . and . reciprocal . teaching. . Cooperative . learning . falls . under . the . student-centered . approach . because . learners . are . placed . in . responsibility . of . their . learning . and . development. . This . method . focuses . on . the . belief . that . students . learn . best . when . working . with . and . learning . from . their . peers. .
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