Sunday 1 September 2019



Communication Skills for effective teaching are

i.       Contents of the Subject
ii.     Clarity in teaching or communication
iii.  Capabaility of the person who communicates
iv.   Credibility of a communicator
v.     Channels of communication
vi.   Creativity in communication
vii.Consistency in terms of teaching
viii. Continuity

i.       Evaluation
ii.     Motivation
iii.  Experimentation
iv.   Self assessment of a teacher

Dimensions of effective communication
i.       Clarity in mind (with proper plan)
ii.     Purpose of communication (objective)
iii.  Summarization
iv.   Teacher to be empathetic

ClassroomManagement   can be defined as “managing the classroom situation to ensure that an atmosphere is generated where the most effective learning takes place from all of the students”
Five main areas of importance in classroom management
1.Arousal :  It  is  to ensure that students are motivated and ready to learn
2.Expectancy:  making sure that students know what is required of them and what they will beable to do after learning
3.Incentive :    To ensuring students know how achievements will be rewarded
4.Disciplinary :  By ensuring that the work of a group is not disrupted
5.Employment:  By ensuring that students are gainfully employed in a variety of activities

Suggestions for class-room management
1.    Arousal
a.     Use  of novel strategies for a change and to break up any monotony
b.     Create interest through relevance
c.      Change the stimulus frequently between verbal, whiteboard,  charts  & OHP .
d.     Having  frequent breaks and change of activity to combat fatigue. Ensure that individuals do not become overexcited.
e.     Get  to  know the personality characteristics of  the  students (extroverts and introverts) as soon as possible
2.     Expectancy
a.     Tell students the objectives of what is tobe learned
b.     Always praise student achievement
c.      Have high expectations of your students
d.     Avoid the use of “punishment”
3.    Incentive
a.     Ensure all students know they are to beassessed.
b.     Make work relevant to individual needs.Tell students why they are studying a topicand how it will be of benefit to them.
4.     Disciplinary
a.     Establish effective rules for class conduct
b.     Never use sarcasm or humiliate a student
c.      Show concern for individuals and get toknow their interests
5.     Employment
a.     Ensure a sense of individualachievements
b.     Provide activities that are relevant to theachievements of the lesson’s objectives
How to control the class
        i.            Teacher should recognize attending andnon-attending behavior of the students inthe class
      ii.            Teachers should be available outside theclassroom to clarify the doubts of students, if any
    iii.            The class can be controlled by,
   iv.            Establishing rapport with the students
     v.            Giving examples
   vi.            Review of previous class
 vii.            Conclusion at the ends of the session
viii.            Plan before entering the class (lesson plan)
    ix.            Preparation of topics in a sequence manner
      x.            Effective  use  of rules and regulations should be established  to conduct a class
    xi.            The  teacher has to communicate in such a manner that all the students perceive in the right way.
  xii.            Teachers should be learner oriented center rather than teacher oriented center  and  Teacher should emphasize the value of punctuality in the later life

Essential requirements for a good teacher tocontrol the class
i.       Knowledge of the subject
ii.     Attention of the teacher towards the individual students
iii.  Confidence
iv.   Flexibility
v.     Fair treatment
vi.   Incentives or encouragement to students
vii.Friendship relationship with the students
viii.                      Evaluation (feedback)
ix.   Punctuality by teacher
x.     Creating a healthy environment for students to providesuggestions
xi.   No humiliation
xii.Positive response towards students etc

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