Meaning . of . Philosophy . :- . The . word . philosophy . has . been . derived . from . two . LATIN . words .
PHILOS- . Love
SOPHIA- . Wisdom . or . knowledge
Thus, . philosophy . means- . Love . for
. wisdom
. In . Sanskrit, . the . philosophy . is . referred . to . as . ‘Darshana’. . This . Sanskrit . word . has . its . roots . in . dars- . to . see, . to . look, . to . view . (the . reality). . In . other . words, . Darshana . is . a . whole . view . related . to . the . inner . self . which . we . term . as . the . soul . or . the . spirit.
Definition . of . Philosophy . :
. Plato . (428-348 . BC) . – . Knowledge . of . eternal . nature . of . things . & . which . is . in . fact . knowledge . of . true . nature . of . different . things . is . philosophy.
Aristotle . (384-322 . BC) . – . Philosophy . is . a . science . which . discovers . the . real . nature . of . supernatural . things.
Henderson . – . Philosophy . is . an . attempt . to . conceive . and . present . an . inclusive . and . systematic . view . of . the . universe.
S . . . Radhakrishnan . – . Darshan . is . a . logical . exposition . of . the . nature . of . reality.
Bertand . Russell- . Philosophy . like . other . studies . aims . primarily . at . knowledge. .
So . it
. is . clear . that . all . the . science . that . have . taken . birth . so . far . originated . in . to . philosophy. .
Scope . of . philosophy . / . Problems . of . Philosophy
1. Metaphysics . : . This . is . the . domain . of . philosophy . which . deals . with . the . question. . What . is . real? . As . the . name . suggests . the . things . which . is . beyond . our . physical . reach . is . metaphysics. . It . has . five . parts
Theology . : . it . deals . with . nature . and . existence . of . God, . his . wishes . and . commands . etc. .
Concepts . of . Soul . : . The . purpose . and . role . of . living . organism, . existence . of . soul . etc. .
Science . of . Universe . : . it . deals . with . the . origin . and . end . of . the . universe, . it . mortal . and . immortal . elements, . their . theories . etc. .
Science . of . Creation . : . How . this . universe . has . been . created . and . how . will . it . come . to . an . end . are . discussed . here. .
Cosmology: . it . deals
. with . the . creation . of . cosmos . and . other . living . and . non-living . things. .
2. Epistemology: . It . deals . with . the . question . of . knowledge . . . Here . we . study . human . intelligence . and . his . capacity . to . acquire . knowledge. . This . ability . to . verify . the . evidence . and . various . method . of . knowledge . acquisition. .
3. Axiology . : . The . third . domain . of . philosophy . is . axiology . or . the . theory . of . values. . Three . things . are . included . here:
Logic: . It . determines
. real . nature . of . a . thing . and . conclusion . is . drawn . through . inductive . and . deductive . methods. . Imagination . and . reasoning . is . used . for . enquiry. .
Ethics . : . It . is . the . concerned . with . the . conduct . of . man . in . society. .
Aesthetics . : . It . deals . with . the . criteria . and . standard . on . which . beauty . or . ugliness . is . judged. .
Relationship . between
. Education . and . philosophy . : . Education . and . Philosophy . are . inseparable. . They . may . be . termed . as . the . two . sides . of . some . coin. . They . are . interdependent . in . following . ways-
1. Philosophy . determines . the . direction . of . education- . Philosophy . determines . the . goal . of . life . which . is . consciously . adopted . by . education.
2. Philosophy . shapes . the . aspects . of . life . – . Philosophy . determines . how . much . emphasis . should . be . given . to . practical . and . theoretical . aspects . of . education . each. .
3. Education . is . the . dynamic . side . of . philosophy . – . The . ideas . and . thoughts . provided . to . us . by . philosophy . are . put . into0 . practice . by . education.
4. Education . gives . birth . to . new . philosophy . also- . As . Herbert . says; . “Education . has . no . time . to . make . holiday . till . all . the . philosophical . questions . are . once . for . all . cleared.”
5. Every . educational . system . is . based . upon . specific . teaching . methodologies . and . the . curriculum.:-What . should . be . the . teaching . methodology? . And . what . kind . of . teacher . should . be? . And . what . kind . of . curriculum . be . taught . to . the . students? . All . the . answers . are . given . by . philosophy. . So . education . is . dependent . on . philosophy . for . guidance . in . various . of . area . .
6. Philosophy . of . Education . :- . There . is . a . separate . branch . of . philosophy . which . is . called . philosophy . of . education. . The . branch . investigates . that . what . should . be . the . nature . of . education? . Whether . the . educational . aims . be . based . on . specific . religion, . social, . moral, . scientific . basis. . And . how . these . aims . can . be . achieved?
7. Sound . mind . in . Sound . Body . or . Virtuous . Man:- . The . main . purpose . of . education . is . to . have . sound . mind . in . a . sound . body, . and . virtuous . person. . Philosophy . gives . answers . and . discuss . that . what . is . sound . mind, . sound . body, . and . what . virtuous . person . is. . How . we . can . say . the . philosophy . is . the . contemplative . aspect . of . education . and . education . is . the . dynamic . aspect . philosophy
8. Change . in . Education, . Culture . and . Society:- . In . order . to . bring . the . desire . change . in . society . or . in . the . existing . education . set . up, . a . very . pre-planned . philosophy . should . be . behind . that . kind . of . reformation.
9. Both, . Philosophy . and . Education . are . based . on . the . conceptions . of . wisdom, . ideology . and . critical . enquiry, . the . difference . being . that . philosophy . is . contemplative . in . nature . while . education . is . an . active . process.
10. The . philosophy . of . education . is . that . branch . of . knowledge . which . is . in . constant . quest . of . truth . and . those . who . are . lovers . of . visions . of . truth . are . called . philosophers. . Thus . a . philosopher . naturally . becomes . an . educationist.
11. Every . man . has . his . own . philosophy . of . life . and . it . is . natural . that . he . will . seek . to . influence . and . convince . or . convert . others . to . his . way . of . thinking. . And . education . is . nothing . but . this . process . of . influencing, . convincing . and . converting. . Thus . education . is . a . practical . means . of . realizing . the . philosophical . idea . of . life . and . it . is . fundamentally . dependent . on . philosophy.
12. Philosophy . toward . life . and . values . in . general . determine . what . we . feel . towards . the . role . of . education . in . shaping . a . child’s . character. . For . e.g. . Earlier, . corporal . punishment . was . a . preference . whereas . now . it . is . an . aversion. . Thus . we . can . see . that . the . setting . and . subsequent . changing . of . a . curriculum . is . highly . influence . by . philosophy . held . by . people . at . a . particular . point . of . time.
13. The . inter . dependence . of . philosophy . and . education . can . be . found . in . lives . and . teachings . of . all . great . thinkers. . E.g. . Socrates . and . Dewey . in . the . West . to . Yajnavalkya . and . Mahatma . Gandhi . in . the . East. . And . Plato’s . philosophy . in . the . Republic . is . universally . accepted . as . a . classical . treatise . on . education. .
Plato . , . Kant . & . Hegel, . TP . Nun . ,Berkeley . , . Descartes, . Augustine, . Froebel, . pestalozzi,Vivekananda, . MK . Gandhi, . Aurobinda . etc. .
Aristotle . , . Irasmus . , . Rebellias . ,Miltonlord . Montaigne . , . John . Locke . , . Bacon . ,Comenius . ,B. . Russell . , . Whitehead . etc
Thales . , . JJ . Rousseau, . H. . Spencer . , . Tagore . , . Hobbes, . etc.
1.Personalistic . Idealism
2.Absolute . Idealism
3.Objective . Idealism
4.Phenomenal . Idealism
1.Humanistic . Realism
2. . Social . Realism
3. . Sense . Realism
4. . Neo . Realism
1.Atomistic . Naturalism
2.Scientific . Naturalism
(a)Physical . Naturalism
(b)Biological . Naturalism
3.Mechanical . Naturalism
4.Historical . Naturalism
. 1.Classification . of . Substance
2.Supremacy . Of . Ideas . Over . Objects
3..Classification . of . World
4.Superiority . of . man . to . nature
5.Self . Realisation
. 6.values . & . role . of . soul
. 1.Based . on . reality . and . science . ,
2.Present . life . of . children
3. . Emphasized . on . application . of . knowledge
. Emphasis . on . Scientific . view. . And . Nature
. OF .
1.Beautification . of . Personality.
2.Development . of . spirituality
3.Moral . & . Intellectual . training
4.Creation . of . Ideal . society.
1.. . To . make . children . practical . minded
2. . To . prepare . to . solve . practical . life’s . problems .
To . establish . harmony . between . Man . , . Nature . and . Substance
Humanistic . approach
(truth . , . goodness . , . beauty)
1.General . education . at . early . stage
2. . Specialization . in . later . period . of . education
3.Vocational . education . at . later . stage
Child . Centric
i) . Q&A . (Socrates) . ;
ii . ) . Discussion . (Plato);
iii) . Inductive . & . Deductive(Aristotle) .
iv) . Instruction . & . Lecture . (Herbert)
v) . Play . Way . Method .
. (Froebel)
1.Observation . ,
2.self . experience,
3.Audio . visual . aids
4.Inductive . Method
5.Action . rather . than . thinking
6.Travelling . and . excursion
Emphasised . on . Method . of . learning . rather . than . Teaching.
It . advocated . Induction . as . the . proper . method . of . teaching,
Play . ways . , . Learning . by . doing
Very . high . equal . to . God
Friend . philosopher . and . guide
Self . Discipline
Self . Discipline
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